The 2012 Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference
The Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference (CUPC) is a non-profit annual research conference organized by undergraduates for the promotion and sharing of undergraduate physics research. Approximately 200 physics undergraduates gather at the CUPC to present the research that they have done and to socialize and trade insights about physics. The CUPC also features lab tours, plenary lectures and social events to facilitate the exchange of thought between different levels of the physics community.
The CUPC was first held in 1965 by McGill University and the University of Toronto. The CUPC has since grown into the largest undergraduate physics conference in North America, and has been held in 8 different provinces by 20 different institutions.
Additional Information
Location: Hyatt Regency in downtown Vancouver
As was the case with past CUPC's, most events - student talks, plenary lectures, receptions, banquets and the grad and career fair - will be held in the hotel. However, the 2012 CUPC will feature an entire day spent at the UBC campus. In addition to utilizing campus facilities for student talks, this excursion to UBC facilitates a tour of the world's largest cyclotron, TRIUMF, just south of the campus.
In addition to TRIUMF, the 2012 CUPC will feature lab tours at the Large Zenith Telescope (LZT) - the world's largest liquid mirror telescope - as well as on-campus labs run by UBC's very own professors.
PIMS will sponsor the trophy for best student talk in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.
Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell - Fellow of the Royal Society
Dr. Erich Vogt - Officer of the Order of Canada, founder of TRIUMF