Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
In recent years, optimization problems involving eigenvalues have received a lot of attention. One well-studied class of convex problems is semidefinite programming, which has nonnegativity constraints placed on eigenvalues. Additionally, many important nonconvex problems involve constraints on the eigenvalues of nonsymmetric matrices, or their generalization, namely pseudospectra. These problems possess intrinsic similarities, yet they are studied by different communities. The workshop aims to bring these communities together, as well as to share modern applications of these problems in fields such as machine learning and control. Effective use of large-scale numerical linear algebra tools will also be a theme of the workshop.
Michael Overton is well-known for his seminal work in optimization and numerical linear algebra, and the selected topics are representative of his research interests. The meeting will represent an opportunity to recognize his many contributions, on the happy occasion of his 60th birthday.
Register for the Workshop at the bottom of this page.
Additional Information
Conference Venue:
Earth Sciences Building, 2207 Main Mall, UBC Room 2012.
Poster Session:
Workshop participants are encouraged to submit abstracts for presenting a poster at the Thursday evening poster session. Some funding will be available for travel expenses for early-career researchers and graduate students who present posters at the workshop.
Abstract submission deadline: June 15, 2013.
Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent by: June 30, 2013.
Registration for this event is now closed. If you would have any query regarding your registration please email
UBC Conference Accommodations: If your primary consideration is proximity to the conference venue, then on-campus accommodations would be your best bet. Please visit: to make a reservation. The conference venue is just a few minutes walk from all UBC conference accommodations.
Off-campus accommodations: If your primary consideration is to be at a central location close to attractive venues such as Granville Island or False Creek, then here are two options for hotels on Broadway, which has good bus service to UBC, including some express bus options (20-25 minutes).
**Park Inn Suites: This is our preferred off-campus conference hotel, and has provided a special rate of $129 per night for Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization participants. It is close to Granville Island, a public market which is a popular Vancouver site.
Online Reservation: Please visit their webpage.
Phone Reservation: Please call 1- 800-670-7275 or 1-604-872-8661
Group Rate: Please mention: "Numerical Linear Optimization" to qualify for our special rate. The rate will apply to reservations made on or before June 23, 2013. After this date the regular rate will apply.
Address: 898 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, Canada
** Holiday Inn: Please visit here.
Address: 711 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, Canada
** Other downtown options: Please click here
Travel Directions:
Click here for a summary of travel directions to UBC.
For questions and inquiries, please contact:
Chen Greif:
Emre Mengi:
This image shows the eigenvalues and pseudospectra of a model of a Boeing 767 at a flutter condition, stabilized by static output feedback. This nominally stable solution was found by nonsmooth optimization using gradient sampling. But although the eigenvalues are in the left-half plane, the pseudospectral plots show that tiny perturbations make the model unstable. The picture was generated by Tom Wright's EigTool, Oxford. For more details see J.V. Burke, A.S. Lewis and M.L. Overton, A Nonsmooth, Nonconvex Optimization Approach to Robust Stabilization by Static Output Feedback and Low-Order Controllers. In: S.Bittanti and P. Colaneri, eds., Proceedings of 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Milan, June 2003 (ROCOND 2003), pp. 175-181 Elsevier, 2004)
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This event is part of PIMS CRG 24: Optimization: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Bora, Shreemayee (IIT Guwahati)
Burke, James (University of Washington)
Curtis, Frank (Lehigh University)
Demmel, James (University of California at Berkeley)
Fazel, Maryam (University of Washington)
Friedlander, Michael (University of British Columbia)
Goldfarb, Donald (Columbia University)
Greenbaum, Anne (University of Washington)
Grundel, Sara (Max Planck Institute - Magdeburg)
Guglielmi, Nicola (University of L'Aquila)
Henrion, Didier (University of Toulouse)
Kressner, Daniel (EPF Lausanne)
Lewis, Adrian (Cornell University)
Lu, Zhaosong (Simon Fraser University)
Mehrmann, Volker (TU-Berlin)
Moro, Julio (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Rendl, Franz (University of Klagenfurt)
Saunders, Michael (Stanford University)
Sifuentes, Josef (Texas A&M University)
Syzld, Daniel B.(Temple University).
Trefethen, Lloyd N. (Oxford University)
Van Dooren, Paul (Catholic University of Louvain)
Van Loan, Charles (Cornell University)
Vavasis, Stephen (University of Waterloo)
Wolkowicz, Henry (University of Waterloo)
Wright, Margaret (New York University)
Ye, Jane (University of Victoria)