Statistical Inference for Large Scale Data
Very large data sets lead naturally to the development of very complex models --- often models with more adjustable parameters than data. This has led very recently to a rapidly growing body of work in the development and analysis of formal statistical tools for use in these big data problems – often in high dimensions. This workshop will explore, delineate, and make progress on open theoretical issues in the statistical aspects of Large Scale Inference.
Additional Information
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Registration for this event is now open. The registration fee is $100 for faculty members and $50 for graduate students or post-docs. Particpants will be required to register with PIMS and then return to the signup page and select the registration button for payment.
An event program and abstracts for the speakers are available on the following website:
- Jacob Bien, Cornell
- Andreas Buja, Wharton
- Venkat Chandrasekaran, Caltech
- Johannes Lederer, Cornell
- Jason Lee, Stanford
- Hannes Leeb, Vienna
- Po-Ling Loh, Wharton
- Aurelie Lozano, IBM Research
- Richard Samworth, Cambridge
- Noah Simon, Washington
- Jonathan Taylor, Stanford
- Rob Tibshirani, Stanford
- Bin Yu, Berkeley
- Ming Yuan, Wisconsin
- Tong Zhang, Rutgers
- Ji Zhu, Michigan

This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Conference
April 20–24, 2015