Lie Theory and Geometry: The Mathematical Legacy of Bertram Kostant
One Hour Talks
Anton Alekseev, University of Geneva
Title: The Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture and Drinfeld's associators
Michel Brion, University of Grenoble
Title: Counting points of homogeneous varieties over finite fields
Pavel Etingof, MIT
Title: Parabolic induction and restriction functors for rational Cherednik algebras and their applications
Victor Ginzburg, University of Chicago
Title: Quantization of del Pezzo surfaces
Iain Gordon, University of Edinburgh
Title: The Shapiro-Shapiro Conjecture and Calogero-Moser space
Victor Guillemin, MIT
Title: Asymptotic properties of spectral measures
J.-S. Huang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Title: Dirac operators and Lie algebra cohomologies
Anthony Joseph, Weizmann Institute
Title: The Borcherds Character Formula, the Littelmann Path Model and n homology
Victor Kac, MIT
Title: Classification of simple linearly compact generalized Jordan superalgebras
Allen Knutson, UCSD
Title: The totally nonnegative Grassmannian and juggling patterns
James Lepowsky, Rutgers
Title: Tensor product theory for vertex operator algebra modules, and applications
Hiraku Nakajima, Kyoto University
Title: Quiver varieties and double affine Grassmannian
Andrei Okounkov, Princeton University
Title: The mystical powers of eta
Dale Peterson, UBC
Title: The Toda lattice and small quantum cohomology of homogeneous spaces
Konstanze Rietsch, King's College
Title: A mirror symmetric approach to Kostant's quantum Toda lattice
Jean-Pierre Serre, College de France
Title: Lie Groups and Prime Numbers
Birgit Speh, Cornell
Title: TBA
David Vogan, MIT
Title: The orbit method for reductive groups
Nolan Wallach, UCSD
Title: Hidden subgroup problems in quantum computing.
45 Minute Talks
Ivan Losev, Belarusian State University
Title: Quantized symplectic actions and W-algebras
Alessandra Pantano, University of California at Irvine
Title: Unitarity of Nonspherical Minimal Principal Series
Nicholas Ressayre, Université Montpellier 2
Title: Restricting representations to a reductive subgroup.
Alistair Savage, University of Ottawa
Title: Moduli spaces of sheaves and the boson-fermion correspondence
Wai Ling Yee, University of Windsor
Title: Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials and Signature Computations
Additional Information
Event Media Links
Streamed videos of the talks are now available for download! Please click on the following links to view the lectures:
"A Garett Lisi's E8 theory of everything" Bertram Kostant (Duration: 01:03:30)
"The mystical powers of eta" Andrei Okounkov (Duration: 00:57:00)
"Lie groups and prime numbers" Jean-Pierre Serre (Duration: 01:02:19)
Support for Junior Participants
There will be some funds available for grad students and post docs. Please contact the organizers at if you wish to apply for support.
Scientific Committee
Michel Duflo, Paris VII
Anthony Joseph, Weizmann Institute
Masaki Kashiwara, RIMS
George Lusztig, MIT
Michele Vergne, Ecole Polytechnique
David, Vogan, MIT
Nolan Wallach, UCSD
Ex officio members
David Ellwood, Clay Mathematics Institute
For participation/registration information, lodging and travel information, see
Participants are invited to make lodging reservations:
UBC Conference Centre
Pacific Spirit Hostel
Triumf House
Green College
St. John's College
There are also many B&Bs near UBC. Most of the hotels are downtown.

Special PIMS Colloquium, Monday, May 26: Jean-Pierre Serre (College de France): Variation with p of the number of solutions mod p of polynomial equations
Event Images
Please click to enlarge!
Jean-Pierre Serre, College de FranceMichel Brion, Universite de GrenoblePavel Etingof, MITVictor Ginzburg, University of ChicagoIain Gordon, University of EdinburghVictor Guillemin, MITJ.-S. Huang, Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyAnthony Joseph, Weizmann InstituteVictor Kac, MITAllen Knutson, UCSDJames Lepowsky, RutgersHiraku Nakajima, Kyoto UniversityAndrei Okounkov, Princeton UniversityDale Peterson, UBC; Konstanze Rietsch, King's College; Jean-Pierre Serre, College de France; Birgit Speh, Cornell; David Vogan, MIT; Nolan Wallach, UCSD; Ivan Losev; Alessandra Pantano; Nicholas Ressayre; Alistair Savage; Yai Ling Yee