Dr. Kristine Bauer Announced as the PIMS Site Director at the University of Calgary

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) is pleased to announce Kristine Bauer as the new PIMS Site Director at the University of Calgary, replacing Cristian Rios in the role.

Kristine is an assistant professor in mathematics at the University of Calgary. She obtained her PhD from the University of Illinois in 2001. Her primary research area is algebraic topology and she is one of the founding members of the Women in Topology network, which seeks to increase the visibility and retention of women in the field by involving them in high-quality collaborative research projects. Kristine has been recognized with the Faculty of Science Excellence in Teaching Award and the GREAT Supervisor Award at the University of Calgary.

We’re excited to have Kristine at PIMS to continue the excellent work being done at the University of Calgary site, and welcome her efforts to encourage and foster diversity at PIMS and throughout mathematics.

Welcome to PIMS, Kristine!

PIMS extends its gratitude to Dr. Cristian Rios, the outgoing PIMS site director at the University of Calgary, for the many valuable contributions he made during his term.