Acknowledging PIMS Funding

If you have received funding from PIMS for your position or event, we ask that you acknowledge PIMS support whenever possible. Circumstances where it may be appropriate to acknowledge PIMS include:

  • Publications
  • Presentations
  • Receiving honours and/or awards
  • Participating in public relation activities 
  • Social media (tag @pimsmath on X and Instagram)

Suggested verbal acknowledgment (to use in speeches, lectures, etc):

"This research was supported in part by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences."

Suggested acknowledgement for written work (to use in articles, journals, submissions, press releases, news items, etc):

"I/We gratefully acknowledge that this research was supported in part by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences."

Additionally, for preprints and publications, we ask that, where possible, report identifiers are included to allow us to track publications supported by PIMS funding.

PIMS Preprint Report Identifiers and some related related systems provide a facility for adding one or more "report identifiers" for submissions. To enhance the tracking and visibility of research outputs, PIMS has introduced a specific format for PIMS report identifiers for preprints and publications supported by PIMS. The current report identifier format looks like


The fields used are

  • YEAR: The current year in 4 digit format, e.g. 2024
  • MONTH: The current month in 2 digit format, e.g. 09
  • DAY: The current day of the month in 2 digit format, e.g. 07

If your publication is associated with a PIMS CRG or PRN, or you are a PIMS Postdoctoral fellow, you should include one of the following strings in your report identifier(s). If you are a postdoctoral fellow and you are working as part of a CRG, please provide two separate report identifiers using this syntax (multiple report identifiers can be included by separating them with a semi-colon.

  • CRG: If the publication is part of a PIMS CRG, this field should be included as the three letter string "CRG" followed by the number assigned to your CRG. e.g. CRG 
  • PRN: If the publication is part of a PIMS PRN, this field should be included as the three letter string "PRN" followed by the number of your PRN, e.g. PRN2
  • PDF: If you are a PIMS postdoctoral fellow, please include the three letter string "PDF"
  • PIMS-20240701-CRG36 : A preprint associated with CRG36 submitted on July 1st, 2024.
  • PIMS-20240818-PDF : A preprint submitted by a PIMS postdoctoral fellow on August 18th, 2024
  • PIMS-20240903-CRG39;PIMS-20240903-PDF: A print submitted by a postdoc associated with CRG 39 on September 3rd, 2024.

When posting preprints or publications on platforms which do-not support report identifiers, the PIMS report identifier should be included in the acknowledgements section if possible e.g., "This manuscript is identified by the PIMS report identifier "PIMS-20231206-CRG37".

Using the PIMS Logo

When acknowledging PIMS support in your poster, news release, social media image, or any other promotional material, please use the PIMS logo. You can find high-resolution versions of our logo here.