Kantorovich Initiative: 2023-2026
The Kantorovich Initiative is dedicated towards research and dissemination of modern mathematics of optimal transport towards a wide audience of researchers, students, industry, policy makers and the general public.
The group was convened by Young-Heon Kim (University of British Columbia), Soumik Pal (University of Washington) and Brendan Pass (University of Alberta), with support from the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences. It was initially convened as a the PIHOT Collaborative Research Group, but has since grown to become the first awarded PIMS Research Network.
Scientific, Seminar
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar: Andrea Natale
In this talk, we study a variational problem that provides a way to extend minimizing geodesics connecting two given probability measures in the Wasserstein space for all times. This is achieved by allowing negative coefficients in the classical...
Scientific, Conference
Joint Mathematics Meetings - CRM-PIMS-AARMS Invited Address - Wilfrid Gangbo
Motivated by parallels between mean eld games and random matrix theory, we develop stochastic optimal control problems and viscosity solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equa- tions in the setting of non-commutative variables. Rather than real vectors, the...
Scientific, Conference
Joint Mathematics Meetings - CRM-PIMS-AARMS Special Session on Optimal Transport - Theory and Applications
This special session is organized by the PIMS kantorovich Initiative (kantorovich.org) which is dedicated towards research in the mathematics of Monge-Kantorovich optimal transport and its numerous applications to multiple areas of mathematics...
Scientific, Seminar
Kantorovich PRN Seminar (joint with DG-MP-PDE Seminar & Probability Seminar): Luca Nenna
By using Grand Canonical Optimal Transport we provide a counter-example showing that the ground state energy of electrons in an external Coulomb potential is not always a convex function of the number of electrons. This property has been conjectured...
Scientific, Workshop
2024 Summer PIMS-CM2LA Kantorovich Initiative Retreat Meeting
Speaker list From Paris From UBC From UAlberta From U. Washington From POSTECH AI center Luca Nenna Khanh Dao Duc Jiajin Li Jakwang Kim Andrew Warren Rentian Yao Wenjun Zhao Forest Kobayashi Brendan Pass Daniyar Omarov Soumik Pal Namkyeong Cho...