PIMS Network Wide Colloquium
In 2021, PIMS inaugurated a high-level network wide colloquium series. For this series, distinguished speakers give talks across the full PIMS network with one talk per month during the academic term. These seminars will be available online. Please see our notes on effective virtual events for tips on getting the most out of our online events. The seminars will be recorded, and the recordings will be available on mathtube.org.

Upcoming Events
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Jordan Ellenberg
The array 3     -3    4     -4    5     -5    0     0 4     -4    -3    3     0     0     5     -5 -5    5     0     0     -3    3     -4    4 has an interesting feature: its columns are each vectors satisfying the linear relation 3x + 4y + 5z = 0...
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Mariel Vazquez
Past Events
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Amie Wilkinson
I will discuss a result with Bonatti and Crovisier from 2009 showing that the C^1 generic diffeomorphism f of a closed manifold has trivial centralizer; i.e. fg = gf implies that g is a power of f. I’ll discuss features of the C^1 topology that...
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Pamela Harris
Finding and enumerating Boolean intervals in $W(\mathfrak{S}_n)$, the weak order of symmetric group $\mathfrak{S}_n$, can feel like trying to find needles in a haystack. However, through surprising connection to the outcome map of parking functions...
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Sheehan Olver
When particles interact with attractive-repulsive dynamics, which can model birds flocking, space dust, or a variety of other phenomena, they tend to form a nice distribution. Understanding these distributions is an active area of applied analysis...
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Terence Tao
For centuries, mathematicians have relied on computers to perform calculations, to suggest conjectures, and as components of mathematical proofs. In the light of more modern tools such as interactive theorem provers, machine learning algorithms, and...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Sarah Koch
We will introduce the research area of complex dynamics by studying the family of (complex) quadratic polynomials, $z->z^2+c$. Historically, mathematicians first studied the dynamics of {\em real} quadratic polynomials and then moved to the complex...
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Wilfrid Gangbo
We consider metric tensors on undirected weighted graphs G, which allows us to treat P(G), the set of probability vectors on G, as a length space. On defines a divergence operator div_\mu(G) for mu in P(G), in such a way that we can use control...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Kristin Lauter
Learning with Errors (LWE) is a hard math problem with algebraic structure, underpinning many proposed Post-Quantum Cryptosystems (PQC). The only PQC key exchange standardized by NIST is based on module LWE, and current publicly available PQC...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Ravi Vakil
Euler’s famous formula tells us that (with appropriate caveats), a map on the sphere with f countries (faces), e borders (edges), and v border-ends (vertices) will satisfy v-e+f=2. And more generally, for a map on a surface with g holes, v-e+f=2-2g...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Alessio Figalli
The classical obstacle problem consists of finding the equilibrium position of an elastic membrane whose boundary is held fixed and which is constrained to lie above a given obstacle. By classical results of Caffarelli, the free boundary is smooth...
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Helen Byrne
The past twenty-five years have heralded an unparalleled increase in understanding of cancer. At the same time, mathematical modelling has emerged as a natural tool for unravelling the complex processes that contribute to the initiation and...