Math Summer School for Elementary School Teachers

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences and the Departments of Mathematics at UBC offer a 4-week Math Summer School for Elementary School Teachers. The summer school will run from Monday July 7th to Friday August 1st, 2025.

Teachers are expected to attend from 9:00 to 12:30 every weekday and to work on their own at home for another half an hour each day. They will be paid a $1,200 stipend upon completion of the program.

Summer School Structure

Participating teachers will have the opportunity to:

  • Improve their mathematical knowledge and skills.
  • Broaden their understanding of mathematics and its applications.
  • Develop strategies for teaching.
  • Develop exemplary lessons that can be used by other teachers.
  • Enhance their professional networks.

Program Requirements

The summer school is open to 21 teachers, meeting the following requirements.

  • We want to have 3 teachers per school attending the summer school. If they are able to meet in person during the sessions (to work in a group) please indicate this your application. Complete groups of three will be given preference over groups of two or individuals, but they are also encouraged to apply. The reason for this is so that as a group, they are later able to develop an enthusiastic culture around math at their school, and to support each other.
  • Candidates need to be able to attend every day, to actively participate in all activities.


Program Structure

We will be focusing on 7 schools each year, and we will be providing additional support to those schools during the year.

Schools and teachers will be selected based on the level of interest and enthusiasm the teachers' application, their current mathematical skills are not an essential part of our selection criteria.

For further information you may contact.

Melania Alvarez
PIMS/Math Dept. UBC

Since the program is focused on groups of teachers you are encouraged to discuss your interests with colleagues from your school, but each teacher should complete the form below individually and provide their own supporting statement. In the form please include your own details as a primary contact and include the names of any other teachers at your school who are interested.


Application Form

Provide the name of the school where you currently teach. Please note, groups of 3 teachers per school are preferred for this program.
Grades Taught
(select all which apply)
You may choose to include a Curriculum Vitae to support your application. This addition is entirely optional.
One file only.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
Other Teachers
This program is primarily targeted at groups of 3 teachers per school. If possible, please provide the names of 2 colleagues from your school who will participate in the program with you (Please note, each teacher must complete this form independently to register).
Please provide a short personal statement in support of your application. You may wish to include information on past programs you have participated in or needs you think would be filled by the summer school.