Quantum Topology and its Applications

Of all of the scientific discoveries of the past few decades, one of the most promising — and surprising — is that of topological materials. These materials have the potential to change not only what is done in labs but also what we do in our homes as once far-away disruptive technologies begin to enter our reality through unexplored aspects of condensed matter physics. Canada is now a major player in engaging with these new developments after the establishment of the Stewart Blusson Quantum Materials Institute (SB-QMI) at UBC and the formation of Quantum Alberta. Our belief that the time is right to establish a new centre building upon this capacity in the Canadian Prairies has led to the formation of the Centre for Quantum Topology and Its Applications, or quanTA, a new University of Saskatchewan Type A Research Centre, endorsed and ratified by University Council in May 2019. This new research institute complements those in BC and Alberta by focusing in particular on the mathematical side of topological materials — namely, the mathematics of the topology itself.
quanTA brings together a unique and energetic team consisting of specialists in condensed matter physics and topological superconductivity, algebraic topology, algebraic and differential geometry, integrable systems, and quantum technologies, all drawn from Prairie universities and institutes.