Geophysical Inversion Workshop
The second PIMS GIW will be held on the University of Calgary Campus in
August of 2006. Like the first event (2003), the purpose is to bring
together mathematicians and geophysicists to focus on a challenging
inversion theme. The theme of the 2006 meeting is "seismic imaging and wave
propagation". There are a number of invited speakers whose research has been
especially relevant to the event theme. A limited number of contributed
papers will also be accepted. Attendance at the GIW is open to all.
Additional Information
Sponsored by PIMS, MITACS, Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Consortium for Research in Elastic Wave Exploration Seismology, University of Calgary, Petro-Canada, Progress, Nexen, ProEx Energy, ConocoPhillips, EnCana, POTSI
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Workshop
August 14–18, 2006