Comparing sumsets and difference sets
Since addition is commutative but subtraction is not, the subset S+S of
a finite set S is predisposed to be smaller than the difference set
S-S. As Mel Nathanson wrote:
Even though there exist sets S that have more sums than differences, such sets should be rare, and it must be true with the right way of counting that the vast majority of sets satisfy |S-S| > |S+S|.
We talk about joint work with Kevin O'Bryant in which we probe this statement from various angles, indicating what's right and what's wrong with Nathanson's belief.
Even though there exist sets S that have more sums than differences, such sets should be rare, and it must be true with the right way of counting that the vast majority of sets satisfy |S-S| > |S+S|.
We talk about joint work with Kevin O'Bryant in which we probe this statement from various angles, indicating what's right and what's wrong with Nathanson's belief.
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
September 19–20, 2006