ABC Algebra Workshop
The event consists of 7 or 8 talks from algebraists, mainly from Alberta and British Columbia, and some from outside the PIMS jurisdiction. The workshop includes a banquet on the evening of April 18th, 2009.
Additional Information
Walking Directions from Sunnyside C-Train Station to Pulcinella Ristorante
Directions from University C-Train Station to Sunnyside C-Train
U of C Campus Map
There is no registration fee for the workshop. The Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) will provide lunch and dinner banquet on Saturday for all invited participants as well as residence rooms for all invited students and postdocs. Past that, our funding priorities, in order, are: residence or hotel rooms for out-of-town speakers; residence or hotel rooms for all remaining invited out-of-town participants; travel expenses for invited out-of-town students and postdocs; travel expenses for invited out-of-town speakers; and travel expenses for all remaining invited out-of-town participants. How far down this list we get will be determined by the number of participants we get.
Jason Bell, Simon, Fraser University
Paul Buckingham, University of Alberta
Veronique Godin, University of Calgary
Matthew Greenberg, University of Calgary
Nicholas Guay, University of Alberta
Hadi Salmasian, University of Windsor
Donald Stanley, University of Regina
Charles Weibel, Rutgers University