The Mathematics of Klee & Grünbaum: 100 Years in Seattle
A celebration of the careers of Victor Klee and Branko Grunbaum who spent a
total of 100 years between them at the University of Washington in
Victor Klee and Branko Grunbaum founded several branches of modern combinatorics and discrete geometry and spent their long careers (a total of 100 years between them) at the University of Washington in Seattle. Klee passed away in 2007 and Grunbaum will turn 81 years old next year. This conference is intended to be a world class celebration of the illustrious careers of these mathematical giants. Holding the conference in Seattle is appropriate given their long careers here. It would also allow older colleagues here at UW and family members to participate.
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- Berman, Leah (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
- De Loera, Jesus (UC Davis)
- Gritzmann, Peter (TU München, Germany)
- Guy, Richard (University of Calgary)
- Ivic Weiss, Asia (York University Toronto)
- Kostochka, Alexandr (UIUC)
- Lawrence, Jim (George Mason University)
- O'Rourke, Joseph (Smith College)
- Perles, Micha (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
- Pisanski, Tomaz (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Pollack, Richard (New York University)
- Ruskey, Frank (Univerity of Victoria)
- Santos, Francisco (University of Cantabria, Spain)
- Schulte, Egon (North-Eastern University)
- Senechal, Marjorie (Smith College)
- Sturmfels, Bernd (UC Berkeley)
- Wilson, Stephen (Northern Arizona University)
- Zaks, Joseph (Haifa University, Israel)
- Ziegler, Günter M. (TU Berlin, Germany)

This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Conference
July 28–30, 2010