Canadian Operator Symposium (COSY) 2011
Founded by Israel Halperin in the early 1970's, the Canadian Operator Symposium will be held for the 39th time next spring in Victoria. The overall goals of the meeting have traditionally been threefold: to bring in international leaders in the field to explain the most topical recent developments to the Canadian community, to highlight the current research activities of the leaders within Canada and to provide a resource for young researchers / graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and young faculty. This activity is in the CRG in Operator Algebras and Noncommutative Geometry sponsored by PIMS.
Individuals are responsible for securing their own accommodations. We recommend you book early, Victoria is a popular tourist destination in the summer and vacancy rates will reflect this.
The University of Victoria offers "dormitory style" accommodation, as well as, "Cluster House" accommodation. For information on these options please refer to for descriptions and call (250) 721-8395 to book. These are on first-come first-serve basis.
We have booked a number of rooms at the residences in the University of Victoria; please mention the Canadian Operator Symposium when reserving.
There is also an option for some hotel accommodation on campus. More information on both of these may be found at:
Uvic Housing Website:
For those not wanting to stay on campus (and with their own funds for expenses), here are some suggestions for other popular hotels, please let the hotel know you are attending a conference at the University of Victoria and ask for the best conference rate available.
Royal Scot Suites:
Swan's Suite Hotel:
Executive House Hotel:
Chateau Victoria:
Fairmont Empress:
Travel information:
Campus Map:
Activities in Victoria:
Contributed talks:
If you would like to give a talk at the symposium, please let us know before May 1 by e-mail at and include a title and abstract of your talk. Continuing in the tradition of the symposium, we will try to find a spot for everyone who is interested in speaking.
If you have questions or comments, please contact one of the organizers or
Additional Information
To register for this Workshop, please see the link at the bottom of the page.
The registration fee is $250 (plus HST). The fee will be waived for invited speakers and for those who are unable to pay through some type of research grant. You may register and pay the registration fee on this page. If you wish to have the fee waived, please go to the alternate page instead.
Note: You must login as a PIMS Web User to sign up this event. Please come back here to sign up again if you forget to login OR if you have not yet created a PIMS web user account.
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Davidson, Ken (Waterloo)
Elliott, George (Toronto)
Emerson, Heath (Victoria)
Farah, Ilijas (York)
Farenick, Doug (Regina)
Higson, Nigel (Penn State)
Khalkhali, Masoud (Western)
Kerr, David (Texas A & M)
Phillips, N. Christopher (Oregon)
Toms, Andrew (Purdue)
Winter, Wilhelm (Nottingham)