Quantum Information Seminar Series: Hubert de Guise
SU(3) Squeezing: quantum and semiclassical perspectives
Squeezing is well understood for harmonic oscillator and spin systems as resulting from ``non-classical’’ correlations between basis states in the Hilbert space. In this talk I will introduce a definition of squeezing for SU(3) systems, illustrate how it can be understood geometrically as a generalization of the known definition, and contrast some properties of squeezing obtained from a suitable initial coherent state using the fully quantum and a semiclassical evolution generated by a Hamiltonian non-linear in the generators of the su(3) algebra. This is collaborative work with H. Tavakoli Dinani and A. Klimov.
Additional Information
Location: SB 142
For more information please visit Institute for Quantum Information.
Hubert de Guise (Lakehead University)
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
May 23, 2012