2013 CMOS/CGU/CWRA Joint Scientific Congress
Bridging Environmental Science, Policy and Resource Management
The 1st Joint Scientific Congress of the CMOS, CGU and CWRA will take place from May 26th to 30th 2013 at Teacher's Credit Union Place in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. A joint Scientific Program Committee has already been formed to organize the sessions aligned with the theme "Bridging Environmental Science, Policy, and Resource Management". The venue, TCU Place, is located in the heart of downtown Saskatoon within walking distance of several Saskatoon hotels and the beautiful South Saskatchewan River valley. The Local Arrangements Committee and the Scientific Program Committee are working hard on the preparations for the 2013 Congress and we look forward to welcoming you!
Additional Information
Location: TCU Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Website: http://www.cmos.ca/congress2013/en/index.shtml
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This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Conference
May 26–30, 2013