2014 Summer School in Probability
There will be two 4-week courses:
Asaf Nachmias: Random walks on random fractals.
Elchanan Mossel: Influences and noise stability in product space.
as well as 3 short (3 lecture) courses:
Alison Etheridge, Stochastic models of evolution (June 5-9)
Allan Sly, Phase transitions for random constraint satisfaction (June10-13)
Ofer Zeitouni, Log correlated Gaussian fields and branching random walks (June 23-27)
There will also be opportunities for interested participants to present their own research. The courses are intended primarily for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in Probability.
Additional Information
Location: UBC Earth Sciences Building
Registration: Registration for the summer school is now closed. We have received increased interest for the summer school and are now at capacity.
Travel documentation:
If you are an international participant and require a visa to attend this summer school, you can find relevant information here.
Please visit the full Probabaility site here for FAQs.
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