PIMS/CSC Research Seminar: Nathan King
The closest point method for manifold mapping: A numerical framework for variational problems and partial differential equations that map between manifolds
Maps from a manifold M to a manifold N appear in mathematical physics, image processing, computer vision, medical imaging, and many other areas. This talk introduces a numerical framework for variational problems and partial differential equations (PDEs) that map between manifolds. The problem of solving a constrained PDE between M and N is reduced into two simpler problems: solving a PDE on M and projecting onto N. The proposed algorithm uses closest point representations of M and N. This leads to a simple algorithm built on standard Cartesian grid methods that treats rather general manifold geometry. Numerical examples of denoising texture maps, diffusing random maps, and enhancing colour images are presented.
Additional Information
Location: TASC-2, Rm 8500
Nathan King, SFU
Nathan King, SFU
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
March 18, 2016