Sage Days
Sage Days are organized as a satellite event of the FPSAC combinatorics conference. The main mathematical topic will be combinatorics. Everyone is welcome from Sage newcomers to advanced developers: there will be plenty of introductory talks and also time for code sprints. It is the perfect occasion to learn Sage!
The program will include a main lecture from Mike Zabrocki (subject to be announced) as well as introductory tutorials to Sage and combinatorics in Sage. There will also be time for code sprints. Detailed schedule to be announced.
Faird Aliniaeifard (York university)
Eviatar Bach (UBC)
Adrien Boussicault (UniversitƩ de Bordeaux)
Julien Courtiel (UBC)
Kevin Dilks (North Dakota State University)
Aram Dermenjian (UQAM)
ClƩment Dervieux (Paris Diderot -- Ecole polytechnique)
Katie Gedeon (University of Oregon)
Tomack Gilmore (UniversitƤt Wien)
Bennet Goeckner (University of Kansas)
Sean Griffin (University of Washington)
Emily Gunawan (University of Minnesota)
Amit Jamadagni (Birla Institute of Technology and Science)
Jang Soo Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
Patxi Laborde-Zubieta (UniversitƩ de Bordeaux)
Seung Jin Lee (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Viviane Pons (UniversitƩ Paris Sud)
Vivien Ripoll (UniversitƤt Wien)
Travis Scrimshaw (University of Minnesota)
Robin Sulzgruber (UniversitƤt Wien)
Jessica Striker (North Dakota State University)
Marko Thiel (University of Zurich)
Foster Tom (UBC)
Ahmed Umer Ashraf (University of West Ontario)
Steph van Willigenburg (UBC)
Mike Zabrocki (York university)
Additional Information
Financial Aid
A limited amount of financial aid will be be distributed with priority to students and postdocs to cover mostly local costs. Please apply before April 30 by sending the following information to Viviane Pons:
Current status (student, postdoc, etc.)
Estimation of budget for the whole event (travel, lodging)
Do you also participate to the FPSAC conference?
Do you have other sources of funding for this event (FPSAC aid, local funding)?
More details on funding and the program are available on the main page of the workshop.
Please help PIMS to improve the quality of its events and plan for the future by filling out this quick and painless survey.
Full scientific report available here.