Topology and related seminars: Omar AntolĂn Camarena
Mod 2 homology operations for spectral Lie algebras
The Goodwillie derivatives of the identity functor on pointed spaces form an operad in spectra that is very closely related to the Lie operad. I will describe the mod 2 homology operations for algebras over this operad. This talk will not assume prior knowledge of either operads or Goodwillie calculus. Sadly, due to time constraints, it also won't explain any Goodwillie calculus! (Instead I will start from a combinatorial description of the derivatives of the identity functor.)
Additional Information
Location: ESB 4133 (PIMS Lounge)
Omar AntolĂn Camarena, UBC
Omar AntolĂn Camarena, UBC
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
April 26, 2017