05C50 Online Seminar: Hanmeng (Harmony) Zhan
Epsilon-uniform mixing on strongly regular graphs via coined quantum walks
Many quantum search algorithms are equivalent to coined quantum walks that start from a uniform superposition of arcs and get very close to a state that "concentrates on" some marked vertex. In this talk, we consider a related problem: if we start from a state that concentrates on a vertex, can the probability distribution get arbitrarily close to uniform over all arcs? We study this phenomenon on quantum walks where no vertices are marked. Using algebraic properties of graphs, we completely classify all strongly regular graphs on which this happens.
Additional Information
The 05C50 Online is an international seminar about graphs and matrices held twice a month on Fridays.
Time: 8AM Pacific/10AM Central
For more information, visit https://sites.google.com/view/05c50online/home.
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