SFU Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Rachel Pries
Supersingular curves in Hurwitz families
Despite extensive research, it is not known whether Oort's conjecture about the existence of supersingular curves is true or false. In the first part of the talk, I will describe supersingular curves and discuss the status of Oort's conjecture (both evidence for and counter-indications). In the second part of the talk, I will explain: new existence results for supersingular curves of low genus (joint work with Booher); and mass formulas for the number of supersingular curves in families (joint work with Cavalieri and Mantovan). This latter project generalizes the Eichler--Deuring mass formula for supersingular elliptic curves. If time permits, I will talk about basic reductions of genus four curves having an automorphism of order 5 (joint work with Li, Mantovan, Tang).