2025 PIMS-CRM Summer School in Probability
The 2025 PIMS-CRM summer school will take place in Vancouver, June 2 to 27. There are two long courses, given by Tom Hutchcroft and Mathav Murugan. There will also be three mini-courses, given by Nathanael Berestycki, Nina Holden, and Tianyi Zheng.
For more details and the latest updates, please visit the official event website: SummerGraduateSchools - SLMath
There is a registration fee of $150 (CAD).
Event Organizers
Gordon SladeUniversity of British Columbia | Omer AngelUniversity of British Columbia |
Louigi Addario-BerryMcGill University | Mathav MuruganUniversity of British Columbia |
Course Descriptions
Main course: Tom Hutchcroft
- Title: Dimension dependence of critical phenomena in percolation
Main course: Mathav Murugan
- Title: Heat kernel estimates and Harnack inequalities.
Week 1: Nina Holden
- Title: Scaling limits of random planar maps
Week 3: Tianyi Zheng
- Title: Random walks on polynomial growth groups
Week 4: Nathanael Berestycki
- Title: Spectral Geometry of Liouville Quantum Gravity
Course details are available via the main event site: https://secure.math.ubc.ca/Links/ssprob25/courses.php
Registration and Funding
A number of participants will receive funding in the form of accommodation for the duration of the school. The deadline for requesting financial support was 2025-12-15. We expect to inform applicants in late January. Applications for funding should be submitted through mathjobs, and include a CV with publication list, one reference letter, and a short cover letter stating your interest in the summer school. Late applicants will be added to the waiting list.
Registration for the school itself will be through PIMS, starting in February. There is a registration fee of $150 (CAD) to cover partly the cost of coffee breaks and excursions.
Separately from the above, participants from SLMath sponsor schools (mostly but not only in the US) should also apply for funding from SLMath.
Some participants will have a chance to give a short presentation on their research. A call for proposals will be sent some at a later date. This does not affect registration.