Next PIMS Deputy Director Announced
The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences is pleased to announce that on June 19, 2009 its Board of Directors approved the appointment of George M. Homsy as Deputy Director of PIMS for a five-year period, starting on January 1, 2010. Professor Homsy will also assume a faculty position at the University of British Columbia.
George Homsy is currently a faculty member at the University of California at Santa Barbara. His field of research is fluid mechanics and hydrodynamic stability and he has published over 150 papers in the leading journals of the field.
Professor Homsy has held many positions, including Vice-Chair and Chair of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, two terms as Department Chair at Stanford, Chairman of the Board of USRA, one term as Department Chair at UCSB, and the Associate Editorships of both SIAM J. Applied Math and Physics of Fluids. He is a Fellow of the APS, a Bing Fellow at Stanford University, and has been the Midwest Mechanics speaker, the Talbot Lecturer at UIUC, and the Bachelor Visitor at DAMTP, Cambridge in addition to many visiting professorships in the US and Europe. He was the Principal Investigator for the production of "Multimedia Fluid Mechanics" (Cambridge 2001), and its second edition (2008). He is the recipient of the APS Fluid Dynamics Prize for 2004 and was elected to the US National Academy of Engineering in 2006.
Alejandro Adem, the Director of PIMS remarked that "the appointment of George Homsy as Deputy Director adds enormous academic strength and administrative experience to the PIMS team. I am delighted that we were able to recruit him, as his expertise in applied mathematics is outstanding, while his experience as an academic administrator is exceptional. I also want to thank the current Deputy Director (David Brydges) for so effectively filling this position on an interim basis."