Collaboration Agreement between the Mathematical Sciences Institute (Canberra, Australia) and PIMS

anulogoThe Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences is pleased to announce that it has signed a collaborative agreement with the Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI) at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia.

The Australian National University (ANU) is primarily a research institution with a strong but small education component. The Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI) is the main location in the ANU for teaching and research in mathematics and also covers selected areas of statistics and stochastic modeling, computational mathematics, mathematical physics and theoretical astrophysics.

These more applied areas are joint initiatives between MSI and other parts of the ANU. The educational programs are organised within the Department of Mathematics while the research programs are organised by the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications (CMA).

The Director of the MSI is Professor Alan Carey assisted by the Associate Directors of Education (Assoc. Professor John Urbas) and of Research (Professor Alan Welsh). The Centre for Mathematics and its Applications has the primary function of a research institute in the mathematical sciences, fulfilling both national and international roles in that capacity. The Department of Mathematics has the responsibility for undergraduate teaching in mathematics in the Colleges of Science. The MSI arranges regular symposia, seminars and conferences. International linkages are a priority and are supported by the Mathematical Sciences Research Visitor Program which sponsors visiting researchers in all areas of the mathematical sciences and, through the CMA, it supports National Research Symposia. The latter are often jointly funded by international agencies.

Professor Carey was an organizer of the PIMS workshop on KMS States and Non-Commutative Geometry held at the University of Victoria in July 2009, and he has strong connections to the PIMS community. Cooperation between MSI and PIMS will take place through exchanges of scholars and students as well as by the organization of further joint events.

The agreement with MSI extends the network of mathematical institutes in the Pacific Rim which actively collaborate with PIMS, and colleagues at both institutions are looking forward to a very productive relationship.

Click here for more information on MSI.