Steven Ruuth Appointed PIMS Site Director at Simon Fraser University

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences is pleased to announce that Dr. Steven Ruuth, a Professor of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University, has been appointed interim PIMS site director for the period May 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011.

Dr. Ruuth will be replacing Dr. Rustum Choksi, who will be moving to McGill University and who has served as PIMS-SFU site director since 2005. The entire PIMS community is grateful to Dr. Choksi for his wonderful service over all these years.

Dr. Ruuth is a renowned specialist in applied and computational mathematics. He obtained his Ph.D. at UBC in 1996, held a postdoctoral position at UCLA (1996-1999) after which he joined the faculty at Simon Fraser University.