Donald W. Stanley Appointed PIMS Site Director at the University of Regina

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences is pleased to announce that Dr. Donald W. Stanley, Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Regina, has been appointed PIMS site director for the period July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2013.

Dr. Stanley will be replacing Dr. Shaun Fallat, who has served as PIMS-UR site director since 2007. The PIMS community is grateful to Dr. Fallat for his excellent service and his key role in overseeing the incorporation of the University of Regina as a full member of the PIMS consortium.

Dr. Stanley is a specialist in algebraic topology, with several excellent publications in that area. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in 1997, held postdoctoral positions in Berlin, Lille, Bonn and at the University of Alberta, after which he joined the faculty at the University of Regina.
