Cooperation Agreement between the Yangtze Center of Mathematics and PIMS

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences is pleased to announce that it has signed a collaborative agreement with the Yangtze Center of Mathematics at Sichuan University in Chengdu, China. The current director is Professor Yingming Liu, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Cooperation between the Yangtze Center and PIMS will take place through exchanges of scholars and students as well as by the organization of joint events.

Alejandro Adem, PIMS Director, noted: "The mathematical community at Sichuan University has strengths in several different areas of the mathematical sciences, including very active research in geometry and topology. Thus I expect that this agreement will lead to some very
interesting collaborations.''

The agreement with the Yangtze Center of Mathematics extends the network of mathematical institutes in the Pacific Rim which actively collaborate with PIMS, and colleagues at both institutions are looking forward to a very productive relationship.




PIMS Director, Prof. Alejandro Adem (left) and Director of the Yangtze Center of Mathematics, Prof. Yingming Liu (right)