Hands-on math, science draws Aboriginal students (SFU Media Release)

media release

Hands-on math, science draws Aboriginal students

October 21, 2013

Diane Mar-Nicolle, 778.782.9586; dianem@sfu.ca
Marianne Meadahl, PAMR, 778.782.4323; Marianne_Meadahl@sfu.ca

Simon Fraser University will roll out a series of hands-on, math-and science-related activities when 100 Aboriginal students from Grades 9-11 and their teachers visit the Burnaby campus on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.


The goal of the annual workshop, part of the Math Catcher Outreach program, is to encourage Aboriginal students to consider STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses and post-secondary education in planning their futures.


The schedule includes an SFU campus tour and classes in:

  •       Indigenous mathematics and word puzzles in Cree
  •       Modular origami
  •       “Aha” math moments
  •       3D printing in science
  •       Actuarial mathematics

Organizer Veselin Jungic, an SFU mathematics professor, says: “We try to introduce mathematics to Aboriginal elementary and high school students in a cultural context. We have specially designed materials that demonstrate mathematical concepts that incorporate Aboriginal languages and elements of Aboriginal traditions and cultures.”


Sponsors of this free workshop include the IRMACS Centre at SFU, SFU Office for Aboriginal Peoples, the SFU Department of Mathematics, and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS).


Instructors are from the First Nations University of Canada, Douglas College, Okanagan College and Simon Fraser University.


Simon Fraser University is Canada's top-ranked comprehensive university and one of the top 50 universities in the world under 50 years old. With campuses in Vancouver, Burnaby and Surrey, B.C., SFU engages actively with the community in its research and teaching, delivers almost 150 programs to more than 30,000 students, and has more than 120,000 alumni in 130 countries.




See original media release: http://www.sfu.ca/pamr/media-releases/2013/hands-on-math-science-draws-aboriginal-students.html