Michael Lamoureux (University of Calgary) Appointed PIMS Innovation Coordinator

In this newly established position, Dr. Lamoureux will serve as PIMS’ conduit between the academic and industrial sector, while at the same time interacting with the NSERC RPP and regional sector. He will serve as a resource for faculty, students and postdocs seeking industrial connections and as a liaison between the PIMS Industrial Advisory Board, industry and the math science community. Locally, he will facilitate faculty and students seeking to become involved in industrial projects and helping them locate resources through the institutes, Mitacs, NSERC RPP and other partners.

Dr. Lamoureux completed his BSc at University of Alberta, MSc at Stanford University, and PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. After holding postdoctoral fellowships at Dalhousie University and the Mittag-Leffler Institute, he worked for a year as a Program Officer at NSERC in Ottawa, then joined the faculty at the University of Calgary in 1992. He has held visiting positions at the Universities of Ottawa, Newcastle, Maryland (College Park) and Vienna. He was awarded a Killam Resident Fellowship in 2007 at the University of Calgary.
His research interests span a range of topics in mathematical analysis, including studies of the structure of C*-algebras and related dynamical systems, the application of functional and harmonic analysis to signal processing and imaging, and computational methods in partial differential equations and related inverse problems. A particular focus is the application of these methods to industrial problems such as seismic imaging in the commercial oil and gas industries, and related medical imaging tasks. He has published over 40 journal articles and 50 technical reports, as well as two book chapters, and holds a patent for the SoundEdit software for digital editing of sound.
Dr. Lamoureux has served as Deputy Director for PIMS, 1999-2001, member of the MITACS Board of Directors 1999-2000, Chair of the National Program Committee of the Canadian Math Institutes 1999-2000, Vice President (West) of the Canadian Mathematical Society 2009-2011, and most recently, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Calgary, 2011-2015. Since 2000, he has been Co-director of the POTSI project on Pseudodifferential operators and Seismic Imaging, and Associate Faculty with the CREWES consortium, an interdisciplinary research initiative that brings together industry and academic researchers to develop advanced technologies for imaging the earth's subsurface for use in the search for hydrocarbon resources.