2015 CAIMS*SCMAI - PIMS Early Career Award Winner Announced

CAIMS*SCMAI and PIMS are pleased to announce that Prof. Jane Heffernan of York University is the winner of the 2015 CAIMS/PIMS Early Career Award in Applied Mathematics.  Prof. Heffernan obtained her PhD in 2005 from the Department of Applied Mathematics at Western, and was awarded the Governor General’s Gold Medal. She held an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Warwick before joining the faculty at York in 2007, where she is an Associate Professor, the Director of the Centre for Disease Modelling (CDM), and was recently awarded a York Research Chair.  She will receive her award and deliver a plenary lecture at the 2015 Annual CAIMS*SCMAI meeting in Waterloo in June, 2015.
Prof. Heffernan was cited "for the novelty, depth and breadth of her work at the interface of immunology and epidemiology" and for the  â€œrare ability to clearly connect mathematics to applicable treatment strategies and public policy". Prof. Heffernan uses techniques that combine computational and analytical methods from deterministic and stochastic approaches to analyze both the dynamics of infectious diseases and impacts of human intervention on disease outbreaks. This plays a vital role in designing pandemic mitigation strategies.