Nominations Open for UBC Mathematics and Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Faculty Award

Nominations are now open for the second UBC Mathematics and Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Faculty Award.

This prize was created by two founding donors, Anton Kuipers and Darrell Duffie, to recognize UBC researchers for their leading edge work in mathematics or its applications in the sciences.

Eligibility: Any UBC faculty member who is within 10 years of their PhD on January 1, 2016.

The nomination should include a letter (1-2 pages) outlining the nominee’s research, two arm’s length supporting letters, a CV and a list of the nominee’s publications.

Nominations will remain active for one further year, subject to eligibility.

Nominations should be sent (in a single pdf file) via email to by October 31st, 2016. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. The prize will be selected by an arm’s length external committee of four, appointed by PIMS and the UBC Mathematics Department.

The winner will be invited to deliver a PIMS/UBC Distinguished Colloquium lecture.