Nominations Open for the 2017 CAIMS/PIMS Early Career Award in Applied Mathematics

The Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences are pleased to announce the 2017 competition for the CAIMS/PIMS Early Career Award in Applied Mathematics. The prize is to be awarded to a researcher fewer than ten years past the date of PhD as of January of the year of the award. The prize recognizes exceptional research in any branch of applied mathematics, interpreted broadly. The nominee should hold a tenure-track position at a Canadian university and the research on which the award is based should have been conducted primarily in Canada.


The award will consist of a cash prize of $1,000 and a commemorative plaque that will be presented at the CAIMS Annual Meeting. The prize recipient will be invited to deliver a plenary lecture at the CAIMS Annual Meeting in the year of the award.


Nominations must be submitted to PIMS by January 31, 2017. See for further information.