PIMS Announces Funding for five Canadian Students to Attend a 2018 IPSW in France

A group of French mathematicians are organizing a "Semaine d'Étude Maths-Entreprises" that will take place in Lille, France on January 29-February 2, 2018.



These so-called "Study Weeks" are very similar to the Industrial Problem Solving Workshops organized by the three Canadian institutes (the CRM, the Fields Institute, and PIMS). In collaboration with their French colleagues, the coordinators of industrial collaborations at the three institutes have decided to allow 5 Canadian students to participate in the Study Week. The expenses of these students will be reimbursed by the French and Canadian partners.


In order to apply, a doctoral student or postdoctoral fellow should complete the funding application, linked at the top right corner of this page. The deadline for the funding application is Friday, November 10, 2017.


For complete details, please visit the Event Website.


For additional information, you may contact one of the following coordinators:


Odile Marcotte for the CRM (marcotte@crm.umontreal.ca)

Tom Salisbury for the Fields Institute (tsalisbu@fields.utoronto.ca)

Michael Lamoureux for PIMS (mikel@pims.math.ca)