PIMS Mathematical Education Circle: An Opportunity for Math Educators

PIMS Mathematical Education Circles is a monthly gathering open to all math educators interested in enhancing their teaching practices by sharing opinions and experiences with their peers. Each session is composed of two parts: Topic in Focus – An educational topic related to the practice of teaching mathematics at the senior high school and the university/college first-year levels. Examples include, learning objectives; technology in the math classroom; assessment; managing a diverse math classroom; transition from secondary to university math, etc. The Lighter Side of Mathematics – A mathematical topic or activity that may not be directly related to teaching mathematics, but that may be used in communicating and promoting mathematics. Examples include, puzzles; games; math trivia; hands-on math, etc.




The last Saturday in September, October, November, February, and March

9:30 - 10:00 Registration, coffee
10:00 - 10:50 Topic in Focus – Presentation
10:50 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 11:50 Topic in Focus - Discussion
11:50 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 1:30 The Lighter Side of Mathematics



UBC and SFU campuses



Strengthening the community of the BC math instructors through social and professional interactions; Creating a forum in which math instructors across BC can discuss the educational topics of common interest and share their experiences and resources; Raising awareness about the community side of mathematical education; Sharing love for mathematics with like-minded friends and colleagues



High school, college, and university math instructors from across British Columbia, as well as aspiring math teachers, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows



Free events; Coffee and light lunch provided; Registration required



  • Melania Alvarez (PIMS/UBC)
  • Veselin Jungic (SFU)


Check out full registration details here.