PIMS Sponsors AARMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop at Dalhousie University

PIMS is excited to sponsor the upcoming AARMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop (IPSW) to be held at Dalhousie from July 3 to 6, 2018. During this workshop, faculty and postdocs will work collaboratively with graduate and undergraduate students on industrial problems posed by Atlantic Canadian companies.


The list of problems touch on a wide variety of mathematics and statistics; including graph theory, automated theorem proving, machine learning, and fluid dynamics. The industrial partners benefit from a mathematical approach to their problems which offer novel and often surprising solutions. For the academic participants the IPSW will offers on-the-ground experience applying their analytical skills to real world problems, collaboration and introduces them direct connection to industry leaders.




The IPSW gives faculty the opportunity to lay the foundation for future collaborative projects and funding applications.


AARMS will provide residence-style accommodation for students and postdocs attending the event, and travel support is available. Furthermore, the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) has provided additional travel funding for participants from Western Canada. 


The deadline for registration is June 15, 2018.


For more information, and to apply, please visit the AARMS IPSW website here.


Please feel free to forward this message to any students, postdocs or faculty who might be interested in attending.