2019 PIMS-UBC Mathematical Sciences Young Faculty Award: Call For Nominations

This prize was created by two founding donors, Anton Kuipers and Darrell Duffie, to recognize UBC researchers for their leading edge work in mathematics or its applications in the sciences.

Eligibility: Any UBC faculty member who is within 10 years of their PhD on January 1 of the year of nomination. The nomination of an unsuccessful candidate who continues to satisfy the eligibility criterion will remain valid for one further year. However, renewal of nominations, with an updated CV and publication list, and if desired, new letters of support, is strongly encouraged.

Previous Recipients

  • Alexandre Bouchard-Côté, 2018
  • Ben Williams, 2017
  • Yaniv Plan, 2016
  • Rachel Ollivier, 2015


Nominations must be submitted by October 31st to nominations@pims.math.ca and should consist of:

  • A letter (1-2 pages) from the nominator outlining the nominee’s research
  • Two additional letters, at least one of which is from a reference who is neither a former PhD/postdoc mentor/supervisor nor a collaborator.
  • A CV

The list of the Nominations will remain active for one further year, subject to eligibility. The prize will be selected by an arm’s length external committee of four, appointed by PIMS and the UBC Mathematics Department.

The winner will receive a monetary award and be invited to deliver a PIMS/UBC Distinguished Colloquium lecture.