Semaine d'Étude Maths-Entreprises / Industrial Problem Solving Workshop (IPSW) - January 2020


The SEME aims to create exchanges between industry and the academic world through a week of work on problems posed by industrialists and requiring innovative mathematical approaches.


How to Participate:

This SEME is intended for doctoral students, post-docs and ATERs in mathematics, whatever their fields of research, whether or not they correspond to the problems proposed.


The number of places is limited to 25 participants and registrations will open at the end of November. Accommodation is offered to participants living far from Orléans. Transportation costs to Orléans remain the responsibility of the participants' university.


The half-days of presentation of the problems (morning of January 27th, 2020) and restitution of the works (morning of January 31st, 2020) are open to all.


Application: For more information and to apply, visit the SEME website, here.  

Funding: to apply for funding, click here.  


The deadline to submit your funding application is December 15, 2019. 



Organizing Committee

Romain Abraham - Université d'Orléans

James Colliander - Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences

Stéphane Cordier - Université d'Orléans Marie-France Grespier - Université d'Orléans

Thomas Haberkorn - Université d'Orléans Odile Marcotte - Centre de Recherches Mathématiques and Université de Montréal

Michael McCulloch - Fields CQAM