Liam Watson is the 2019 PIMS- UBC Mathematical Sciences Young Faculty Award Winner.

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) is pleased to announce that Dr. Liam Watson, is the recipient of the 2019 Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences - UBC Mathematical Sciences Young Faculty Award. The announcement was made mid-January by the PIMS UBC Site Director, Prof Brian Marcus. As the recipient of this award, Dr. Watson will receive $1000 and will give an invited colloquium at UBC this academic year.





Dr. Watson is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at UBC, with a research focus on Low Dimensional Topology. Watson received his PhD in 2009, from the University of Quebec at Montreal (and is also an alum of UBC). Watson had won teaching awards from UBC, the University of Glasgow and UCLA; held a tier 2 Canada Research Chair award, and a CRM- Simons professorship. Dr. Watson's research and distinctive partnership with other topologists has resulted in a successful PIMS Collaborative Research Group Award. We congratulate Liam for another win!


This prize was created by two founding donors, Anton Kuipers and Darrell Duffie, to recognize UBC researchers for their leading edge work in mathematics or its applications in the sciences.


Please visit here for more information on PIMS prizes and awards and to see our past recipients.