Two New Site Directors!

This July, PIMS will welcome two new site directors, Professor Thomas Hillen at the University of Alberta and Professor Allen Herman at the University of Regina.


Thomas Hillen is a faculty member at the University of Alberta. Professor Hillen's area of research is Mathematical Biology, in particular partial differential equations and their applications to chemotaxis, pattern formation, cell movement, cancer modelling, and forest fire modelling. He believes leading edge research must be accompanied by dedicated teaching and supervision of students and postdocs and has been very active in both, research, education and supervision. He has served the Canadian applied mathematics communities as director of the Applied Mathematics Institute in Alberta, as section chair for applied mathematics at NSERC, as a MITACS project leader, and currently as President of CAIMS.


Allen Herman is a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Regina. Professor Herman's research interests are in Algebra, Representation Theory, and Algebraic Combinatorics. Currently his research activity revolves around realization problems in ordinary and integral representation theory of groups and closely-related rings, which include reality-based algebras/table algebras/adjacency algebras of association schemes, as well as Hopf algebras/quantum groups. He has ongoing collaborative projects on the representation theory of classical groups over finite local rings.


PIMS is immensely grateful to Terry Gannon (University of Alberta) and Remus Floricel (University of Regina) for their time and contribution towards the institute. We welcome the expertise Thomas and Allen will bring to their new roles as PIMS Site Directors.