Call for applications: PIMS supported seminars

PIMS Supported Seminars


There is a change in procedure for seminar funding in the 2020-2021 funding cycle. Applications for PIMS supported seminars for the 2020 - 2021 academic year should be submitted by September 15, 2020 directly to Notification of outcome will come by mid September.


A second call with proposals due January 2, 2021 for seminars starting after April 2021.


In addition to the above proposal requirements, applications for this program should contain:

  • Proposed location
  • Approximate number of lectures per year
  • A 1 paragraph scientific description of the seminar topic
  • Indications of how virtualization might be incorporated, including which lectures will be recorded or broadcast
  • A budget outlining the expenses, and other contributing funding, such as Discovery Grant and local support
  • A strategy to ensure that the speaker list is inclusive and diverse

    As the possibility of travel remains uncertain for the coming year, PIMS will prioritize funding seminars that have some virtualization capacity and means to support speakers at a distance. Funding for speakers, and technical assistance for running virtual seminars will be considered.


    Applications for Distinguished PIMS Seminar funding can be submitted through this process or through the SRP call.


    Seminar organizers are responsible to report on their use of funds at the end of their award.