Call for Speaker Nominations: PIMS Network-wide Colloquium

PIMS is sponsoring a network-wide colloquium to take place Winter/Spring 2021. High quality colloquia by distinguished speakers will be given on a monthly basis (delivered virtually) for an audience spread across the 10 PIMS member universities.


We are calling for nominations for colloquium speakers. These will be evaluated by a larger committee based on:

  • distinction of speaker;
  • equity, diversity and inclusivity considerations;
  • suitability for a colloquium-style lecture.

Proposals should be submitted to a member of the committee (names and email addresses below) by October 31st. A proposal should include:

  1. Name and contact information of the proposed speaker;
  2. Affiliation;
  3. A brief biography or CV (1-2 pages) of the proposed speaker [this item can be replaced by a web link to a page providing similar information];
  4. A one paragraph scientific rationale for inviting the proposed speaker;
  5. A statement, if applicable, giving details of ways in which this nominee would contribute to PIMS' goals of promoting under-represented groups;
  6. If possible, a statement addressing the nominee's ability to give a broadly accessible engaging talk;
Kirill Kopotun
Anthony Quas
Weiran Sun