Calgary PIMS Site Director: Call for Applications

University of Calgary

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) is accepting applications for the position of Site Director at the University of Calgary, starting in July 2022 for a three year term.  PIMS is a distributed institute promoting all aspects of the mathematical sciences and collaborations between mathematical scientists in academia, industry and government.


Based at nine universities in Western Canada and one in the Western USA, with the central office at University of British Columbia, PIMS supports a wide range of research and educational activities.  The PIMS mandate also includes creating an equitable, diverse and inclusive community in the mathematical sciences.  The Site Director at each university is responsible for promoting and coordinating the local PIMS programme, which includes workshops, post-doctoral support, support for visiting scholars, and industrial outreach.  At the University of Calgary, the Calgary Site Director is involved in planning the Richard and Louise Guy lecture, the Mathematics and Philosophy Lectures and the Lunchbox Lecture Series.  


Faculty members at the University of Calgary who hold a continuing appointment and who have an interest in the promotion of mathematical research and education are encouraged to consider the position.  The Calgary Site Director position provides an excellent opportunity to advance one’s interests in professional activities in support of the mathematical sciences, and the Calgary Site Director will be given support to develop leadership skills.  In particular, the Calgary Site Director works closely with the Calgary Site Administrator (Carrie Ragan), the Site Directors from other PIMS sites, and the PIMS central team including the Director, Co-Director (international) and Co-Director (Industrial).  There are opportunities for advancement both at the University of Calgary and within the PIMS organization.  Indeed, the current Site Director (Kristine Bauer) will become the Co-Director (Industrial) in July and is available to support the Calgary Site Director before and during their tenure. 

The Site Director reports to both the PIMS Director at the University of British Columbia and to a delegate of the University of Calgary’s VPR office.  The Site Director receives compensation from PIMS in the form of a one-course teaching release and a $2000 annual research grant for NSERC-eligible expenses.

More information about the position can be obtained from the current PIMS Director (write to Kristine Bauer at and information about the application process can be obtained from the PIMS Calgary Steering Committee (write to Tony Ware at  Formal applications should be made by submitting

• a letter of intent, addressing the candidate's interest in pursuing this position,

• a vision statement addressing the candidate’s plans for the Calgary PIMS site and candidate’s past professional experiences related to their vision and 
• CV (as electronic PDF documents)

 to Carrie Ragan ( Candidates are encouraged to connect their vision statement to the PIMS mandate and strategic plans at the University of Calgary whenever possible, especially pertaining to their plans to foster and equitable, diverse and inclusive community and the relationship to the PIMS and University of Calgary EDI plans. There is no strict deadline for applications, but the committee will begin reviewing applications on February 25, 2022. A short list of candidates will be assembled, and may be contacted for an interview with the Steering Committee in March.