PIMS Network Wide Colloquium: Call for Nominations
PIMS is continuing to sponsor a network-wide colloquium to take place in the Academic Year 2022-2023. High quality colloquia by distinguished speakers will be given on a monthly basis (likely delivered virtually) for an audience spread across the 10 PIMS member universities. Nominations will be considered by the PIMS Colloquium Committee, and should be sent to Anthony Quas (aquas@uvic.ca) by April 20th 2022.
We are calling for nominations for colloquium speakers. These will be evaluated by a committee based on:
- distinction of speaker;
- equity, diversity and inclusivity considerations;
- breadth of topics in the series;
- suitability for a colloquium-style lecture.
A complete proposal should include:
- Name and contact information of the proposed speaker;
- Affiliation;
- A brief biography or CV (1-2 pages) of the proposed speaker [this item can be replaced by a web link to a page providing similar information];
- A statement, if applicable, giving details of ways in which this nominee would contribute to PIMS' goals of promoting under-represented groups in mathematics;
- If possible, a statement addressing the nominee's ability to give a broadly accessible engaging talk;
It is not necessary to contact the proposed speaker in advance of submitting the nomination.
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