PIMS Statement on the Ukraine Crisis


We are deeply dismayed by the recent horrific invasion of Ukraine by the current Russian regime and its impact on the mathematical sciences community. The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) stands in solidarity with our colleagues and mathematicians everywhere who have been impacted by conflict, violence, and discrimination.

As a gesture of our support, and inspired by similar programs by CRM, NSERC, CIHR and SSHRC, PIMS is creating a dedicated fund for mathematical scientists in distress to visit PIMS institutions. More information can be found on the PIMS Mathematical Scientist Support Fund page.


The PIMS Mathematical Scientist Support Fund Program

Today, PIMS is launching the PIMS Mathematical Scientist Support Fund to support mathematical scientists around the world who are affected by conflict. Faculty members at PIMS institutions can invite a mathematician affected by conflict to visit them at their home institution. PIMS will contribute up to $10000 toward the visit. Requests will be adjudicated by the PIMS directorate. To nominate a visitor, the sponsor from PIMS institution should include a brief cover letter, explaining the visitor's situation, the length of the proposed visit, and a brief scientific rationale.

The following links lead to statements of support at each of the PIMS member institutions for those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.