CAIMS/PIMS Early Career Award in Applied Mathematics: Geoff Wild

CAIMS and PIMS are pleased to announce that Prof. Geoff Wild of the University of Western Ontario has been awarded the 2014 CAIMS/PIMS Early Career Award in Applied Mathematics.  Prof. Wild obtained his PhD in 2004 from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Queen's University. He has held post-doctoral positions at both Queen's University and the University of Western Ontario. Dr. Wild joined the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario in 2008 as an Assistant Professor. He will receive his award and delivery a plenary lecture at the 2014 Annual CAIMS*SCMAI meeting in Saskatoon in June, 2014.

Prof. Wild was cited "for his creative use of mathematical modelling to address fundamental questions in evolutionary biology". 

Prof. Wild harnesses approaches from dynamical systems and stochastic processes to investigate the adaptive significance of animal behaviour. He has tackled a variety of topics, including parental investment in offspring, animal movement, altruism, and pathogen virulence. His most recent work focuses on the evolutionary transition of populations of solitary individuals into those with more complex, social organization.

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