Education Proposals
PIMS believes that training the next generation of mathematical scientists and promoting diversity within mathematics cannot begin too early.
We welcome proposals aimed at creating opportunities for students to learn (Math Fairs, Math Mania, Summer Camps, Problem Solving Workshops, Hackathons), for teachers to improve their knowledge of mathematics, statistics and computer science and their capacity to teach (Teacher training workshops). PIMS welcomes proposals that address historical challenges faced by First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. We encourage submissions with new ideas!
In addition to the above proposal information, applicants should include a summary of educational objectives. Proposals will be reviewed by the PIMS Education Review Panel in late January with awards announced in February. Where appropriate, cost sharing is encouraged and can enhance the probability of success.
Submission Procedure
All proposals should contain:
- A title
- A list of organizer(s) and their affiliations
- Proposed location and dates
- A high level summary of the anticipated (scientific) impact. The text should be written for a general scientific/ mathematical public, and be suitable for announcements
- Tentative participants, especially invited/confirmed speakers/panellists
- Budget information. It should be clear how PIMS funding would be used, and if there are other event sponsors. If applying for logistical support by PIMS Central, please supply details
Criteria used for evaluation
Proposals are evaluated on:
- Potential impact
- Innovation and originality of ideas
- Mathematical content
- Feasibility-impact is commensurate with funding amount requested; defined organization team in place; budget appropriateness and clarity; availability of matching funds.
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity. Applicants must demonstrate that the activity is designed to ensure a diverse pool of potential participants.
December 31, 2050 - 11:59 pm
Additional Information
Conferences, Workshops and Summer Schools
These activities are central to PIMS mandate. Organizers should work to ensure diversity among their speakers. If you would like to propose a large event hosted by PIMS, please do contact the PIMS Central Team for advice on how to do so.
Focus Periods
Focus Periods are special opportunity events centering on current mathematical trends and collaborative prospects. They usually take place in the summer and vary in length depending on the discipline. Coordination/collaboration with other institutes is encouraged.
Distinguished Visitors
PIMS considers invitations for distinguished scientists to visit its member institutions for periods ranging from one week to a few months.
In addition to the above proposal requirements, applications for this program should contain:
- Proposed dates and locations
- A 1-2 page abbreviated CV of the scientist
- A 1 paragraph scientific rationale for the visit
- A description for the activities planned, such as public lectures, seminars, and research group meetings.
- Indications of how virtualization might be incorporated, including which lectures will be recorded or broadcast
- A budget outlining the expenses, and other contributing funding, such as Discovery Grant and local support
PIMS Supported Seminars
There is a change in procedure for seminar funding in the 2021-2022 funding cycle. Applications for PIMS supported seminars for the 2021 - 2022 academic year should be submitted by October 15, 2021 via the discretionary funding form. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by late October. A second call with proposals will be due March 15th, 2022 for seminars starting after April 2022.
In addition to the above proposal requirements, please include the following information in the event description area of the form:
- Proposed location
- Approximate number of lectures per year
- A 1 paragraph scientific description of the seminar topic
- Indications of how virtualization might be incorporated, including recorded or broadcast details
- A budget outlining the expenses, and additional funding, such as Discovery Grant and local support
- A strategy to ensure that the speaker list is inclusive and diverse
- As possibility of travel remains uncertain for the coming year, PIMS will prioritize funding seminars that have some virtualization capacity and means to support speakers at a distance.
Applications for Distinguished PIMS Seminar funding can be submitted through this process or through the SRP call.
Seminar organizers are responsible for reporting on their use of funds at the end of their award.
Activities with small budgets
Proposals to fund short term visitors, hot topic reaction events, and other small budget activities can be submitted for consideration directly using this form for immediate consideration. Proposals are evaluated within a month of submission, and are typically funded in the $2000 - $3000 range.
Activities in Statistics
PIMS encourages organizers of activities in statistics to also consider submitting proposals to CANSSI.
PIMS Globalink Student Mobility Program
The PIMS Globalink program offers support for senior undergraduate and graduate students to conduct 12-24 week research programs at PIMS Member Universities or eligible universities and institutions in one of the Mitacs partner countries. Please see the PIMS Globalink Program page for more details and application instructions.
Equity Statement
Equity, diversity and inclusion are essential to academic excellence in the mathematical sciences. We support an open and diverse community, which includes voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. PIMS envisions a climate in which all participants are provided with the best possible conditions for learning and research. We strive to provide a supportive and safe environment that is dedicated to excellence, equity and mutual respect. We expect all members of the PIMS Community (event organizers, event participants, faculty, staff, students, visitors) to conduct themselves in a responsible manner so as not to cause, condone or participate in the discrimination, harassment or prejudice of another person or group of persons.