The CAIMS/PIMS Early Career Award is awarded annually to a researcher with a Ph.D. degree conferred within 10 years of the nomination. The prize recognizes exceptional research in any branch of applied mathematics (interpreted broadly). The nominee should hold a tenure-track position at a Canadian university and the research on which the award is based should have been conducted primarily in Canada.


Nominator (Your) Details

Please provide your contact details below. We may contact you for more information about your nomination.

Nominee Details

Please provide the following information about the person being nominated.
Please provide the full name of the person being nominated
Please provide the name of the primary institution associated with the person being nominated.

Please upload a single PDF (join documents beforehand if necessary) containing the following information about the nominee:

  1. a cover letter explaining the basis of the nomination
  2. up to three additional letters of support, at least two of which should be from references who are neither former PhD/postdoc mentors nor collaborators. In the case of very interdisciplinary research, the support letters should address the nominee’s contributions in both applied mathematics and the area of application.
  3. a curriculum vitae
  4. a publication list if not included in the CV
  5. a brief discussion of why there is a strong relationship to Canada. Examples of such a relationship include:
    1. The nominee is a member of CAIMS-SCMAI
    2. The nominee holds a position at a Canadian institution
    3. The research for which the prize is being given was conducted primarily
      in Canada
One file only.
24 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.