Collaborative Research Groups

Collaborative Research Group (CRG) typically consists of researchers with overlapping research interests and with a common desire to collaboratively develop some aspects of their research programs. A CRG will organize joint seminars and workshops, make joint PDF appointments, and perhaps develop joint graduate training programs, but will have the potential to do much more, given the resources and organizational structure of PIMS.

More About CRGs

Current and Upcoming Collaborative Research Groups

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L-Functions in Analytic Number Theory

Analytic number theory focuses on arithmetic questions through the lens of L-functions. These generating series encode arithmetic information and have connections with a host of other mathematical fields, such as algebraic number theory, harmonic...

Past Collaborative Research Groups

Movement and Symmetry in Graphs
The Movement and Symmetry in Graphs Collaborative Research Group will look at Graph Theory. Graph theory is a thriving discipline that lies at the interface of computer science and pure mathematics; the goal of this CRG is to make the prairie region...
Pacific Interdisciplinary hub on Optimal Transport
The Pacific Interdisciplinary hub on Optimal Transport (PIHOT) is a Collaborative Research Group examining the research and applications of Optimal Transportation across a wide audience of researchers, students, industry, policy makers and the...
Quantum Topology and its Applications
Of all of the scientific discoveries of the past few decades, one of the most promising — and surprising — is that of topological materials. These materials have the potential to change not only what is done in labs but also what we do in our homes...
High Dimensional Data Analysis
There are fundamental open questions that limit the industrial uptake of ideas from the mathematics of high-dimensional data and their application in practice. These include bridging the gap between the sampling required by theory and what is...
Geometric Analysis
This three-year long CRG aims to enhance connections and stimulate collaborations among the mathematicians at the four institutions (the Australian National University, the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, the University of...
Geometric and Cohomological Methods in Algebra
Overview Universities in Western Canada have been traditionally strong in algebra, in particular in representation theory and the theory of Lie algebras. More recently, the algebra community in Western Canada was solidified and strengthened by the...
Explicit Methods for Abelian Varieties
Overview Abelian varieties are fundamental objects in algebraic geometry with a long, rich history of study. They are indispensable in number theory, and an important source of practical settings for cryptography. Although there are wide-ranging...
Applied, Algebraic and Geometric Topology
Topology is a central area of mathematics, with broad interactions with many other fields as well as emerging applications to subjects such as robotics, economics, computer science and large data set analysis. The subject often is divided into its...
Applied Combinatorics
The CRG in Applied Combinatorics will address problems at the interface of discrete mathematics and the physical sciences. The key objects are beautiful and subtle combinatorial models, which are of interest to both pure and applied mathematicians...
Geometry and Physics
Pure mathematics and fundamental physics, historic partners for centuries, grew apart during the first half of the 20th century. This changed with the emergence of gauge theory in particle physics and, still more strikingly, the string-theoretic...
Algorithmic Theory of Networks
OVERVIEW The technology revolution of the 1990s and the 2000s owes much of its existence to the advances in computer networking technologies. These advances have made profound changes in how we model, construct/modify, maintain, use, and, ultimately...
Optimization: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
The linear programming problem: Is there a polynomial time algorithm over the real numbers which decides the feasibility of the linear system of inequalities Ax ≥ b? (Problem 9 of 18 in Mathematical Problems for the Next Century by S. Smale) Our...
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
Overview Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis is an interdisciplinary branch of modern mathematics and is concerned with the applied and computational aspects of harmonic analysis and approximation theory, with special emphasis on wavelet...
Mathematics of Quantum Information
Overview Quantum information science is an interdisciplinary research endeavour that brings together computer scientists, mathematicians, physicists, chemists, and engineers to develop revolutionary information processing and communication...
L-functions and Number Theory
Overview Number theory is a subject as diverse as it is ancient, and this diversity is well represented in the mathematics departments of PIMS universities. These universities are home to academics with expertise in algebraic and analytic number...
Operator Algebras and Non-commutative Geometry
Overview The subject of operator algebras has its origins in the work of Murray and von Neumann concerning mathematical models for quantum mechanical systems. During the last thirty years, the scope of the subject has broadened in a spectacular way...
Partial Differential Equations
Overview Partial Differential Equations is a large subject with a history that dates back to Newton and Leibniz. They form the basis for many mathematical models in the sciences and in economics, yielding such famous equations as the Euler and Navier...
Bayesian Modeling and Computation for Networks
Overview This PIMS funded collaborative research group focuses on Bayesian methods for network analysis, paying special attention to model design and computational issues of learning and inference. Bayesian inference is an approach to statistics in...
Climate Modelling
Overview This will be a multidisciplinary effort bringing together mathematicians and earth/ocean scientists to understand some of the many outstanding problems in climate modelling and numerical weather prediction. Particular emphasis will be placed...
Differential Geometry and Analysis
Overview The general theme of the Differential Geometry and Analysis CRG is the use of analytical methods to solve geometric problems, such as constructing special submanifolds of given manifolds: minimal hypersurfaces, which are important in the...
Overview The eventual goal of this project is to develop a multi-site, distributed environmetrics research centre. The main research themes are: statistical and deterministic models in georisk analysis; modelling space-time fields; agroclimate risk...
Geophysical and Complex Fluid Dynamics
Overview The primary focus is the mathematical modeling of complex and classic geophysical fluid dynamics, which are key elements in many geophysical phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, mud slides and avalanches. Bringing sophisticated mathematical...
Geometric and Harmonic Analysis
Overview Geometric functional analysis is concerned with geometric and linear properties and structure of finite- and infinite-dimensional Banach spaces and their unit balls. An asymptotic point of view is based upon expressing such properties in...
Mathematical Finance
Overview There is a significant research activity in Mathematical Economics in Western Canada. However, this research has no supporting network. Our goal is to promote interdisciplinary cooperations among Canadian experts in mathematics, finance...
Mathematical Modeling
Overview The primary focus of the proposed CRG is mathematical modeling driven by biological applications. The goal is to promote research and cooperation both within specific research areas and across different areas of application. In keeping with...
Inverse Problems
Overview Inverse Problems (IP) are problems where causes for a desired or observed effect are to be determined. An important example is to determine the density distribution inside a body from measuring the attenuation of X-rays sent through this...
Quantum Topology
Overview The problems of interest in this CRG are (i) the so-called "many-body problem" in non-relativistic physics, particularly on lattices in low spatial dimension; and (ii) the problem of finding a universal quantum computer which evades...